So I’m 28 weeks and 2 days pregnant….

Hello all

Ok so i’m a little late starting a blog here, but yes, today i am 28 weeks and 2 days pregnant with my baby girl 🙂 Although it seems forever since we found out we were having a baby, it’s also going very fast. Scary.

We found out back in October when i’d pretty much just fell pregnant, i was 2 weeks along (but in pregnancy math it was 4 weeks) and it’s been a rollercoaster ever since. We had been trying in total for about 4 months, it seems such a little time but it felt like it was taking forever to get pregnant (i’m so impatient). It took a few weeks or so for any symptoms to show, then the morning sickness came along when i was about 7 weeks pregnant. I was being sick in the morning, and late at night, and literally EVERYTHING was making me want to puke, the sight of the fridge or the food cupboard, it was gross. Then just 3 days before my 12 week scan i ended up in A&E with a bug and had to stay in overnight and be kept on 3 drips, worst night ever, i was so scared, i hate hospitals and i hadn’t even seen my baby yet. I was discharged the next night, then 2 days later we finally had our 12 week scan and saw the heartbeat and our little life, best day ever ❤

I still suffered with sickness every now and then but it had pretty much completely gone by say week 16, phew. We then had our 20 week scan and everything was fine and healthy with our little angel and we were told she is a girl ❤ As time goes on i develop a new symptom of pregnancy lol, I have backache and horrible shooting pains when in bed, i have a bad hip and what appears to be a trapped nerve from where she is lay, ouch, i’m having physio for that at the moment, I toss & turn so much in my sleep because i’m so uncomfortable, I get up to pee about 4 times a night, I can’t remember the last time i had a good nights sleep. I have the newest lovely problem of leaking milk from my nipples (how beautiful) ha, my belly is getting bigger by the day and i find it so hard to move and get up and walk for too long, i get so breathless just sitting down, my heart races and i have little panick attacks.

Despite all of this, i am so in love with this little lady it’s not even funny, she’s my entire world, absolutly everything to me, she already has changed my life, she’ll change my entire world when she’s here. Everytime she moves and kicks and does summersalts in my belly, my heart melts, it’ll never stop shocking me to see my belly move about. Pregnancy is the most crazy experience i’ve ever been through, my moods are always up and down, i get sooo excited to have her here then i’m riddled with fear and anxiety hoping i’ll be a good Mum & she’ll love me. I’ll be so giddy and happy then suddenly be teary and want to curl up in bed on my own. It’s crazy what a womans body goes through. I am ready to have my body back, to be able to eat what i want, be able to move quick again, be able to fit into my size 6/8 clothes ha ha, but most of all i am ready for my daughter to be here, i cannot wait to meet her and see her beautiful face ❤

I’m classed as high risk because i have a blood disorder, my blood doesn’t clot basically, it’s called Deficiency in Factor 11. So i’m not allowed an epidural and i’m not allowed forceps, and when i go into labour i’ll be given an injection to help thicken my blood and make it clot. I’m petrified and so worried, but the DRs reassure me that it’s nothing to worry about and we have a birthing plan so i will be very taken care of. End of the day my disorder comes from my Mum who got it from my Nana, and they have both given birth many times and they are fine, so positive thoughts 🙂

It’s a wild journey and i can’t wait for the next one to begin…when she’s here 🙂

We have a 4D scan tomorrow, SO excited, i’ll keep ya posted…


By spamantha11

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